Amanda R.
What services does Alin Agency provide?
Alin Agency specializes in assisting real estate professionals to secure more appointments with qualified buyers and sellers through targeted marketing strategies on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, complemented by lead nurturing through SMS and email follow-ups.
Heidi Fisher
How quickly do you follow up with leads?
Our Inside Sales Agent (ISA) team follows up with leads within 30 minutes to maximize conversion chances.
Brock Foreman
Is there a risk-free aspect to your service?
Yes, our service is designed to be risk-free; you only pay when you secure a win.
Amanda Beal
What makes your approach effective?
We use advanced analytics to optimize campaigns, ensuring high-quality leads. Our process includes prompt lead qualification and appointment scheduling, maximizing efficiency and success rates.
Hanna Chen
Can I customize your services to fit my specific needs?
Absolutely. We provide tailored solutions to align with the unique goals and objectives of each real estate professional we work with.
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